Listen Frontier: Reporter Ashlynd Huffman talks about her story on Oklahoma’s anti-red flag law
Hear from Frontier reporter Ashlynd Huffman and Tara Currin, the subject of Huffman’s story on Oklahoma’s anti-red flag law.
Ashlynd Huffman January 19, 2024
Hear from Frontier reporter Ashlynd Huffman and Tara Currin, the subject of Huffman’s story on Oklahoma’s anti-red flag law.
Dylan Goforth December 8, 2023
Frontier reporter Kayla Branch has been covering the Greer Center story for months, and on this episode of Listen Frontier, she speaks with us about her investigation, what she learned during her reporting, what developments there have been recently, and where the case is headed.
Dylan Goforth November 27, 2023
Ebony Johnson replaced former superintendent Deborah Gist in September. Johnson speaks with The Frontier about her first few months on the job and her plans for the district’s future.
Dylan Goforth September 25, 2023
Karen Keith worked as a reporter early in her career and now serves as one of three Tulsa County Commissioners. Next up? Possibly the most powerful position in local city government.
Dylan Goforth August 28, 2023
Rep. Monroe Nichols, D-Tulsa, is one of the more outspoken members of Oklahoma’s Legislature. Now he wants to take his talents to Tulsa’s City Hall where he would become the city’s first Black mayor. The election isn’t for 12 months, but Nichols declared his candidacy early in order to get a head start campaigning, and, …
Frontier Staff February 22, 2023
Sen. James Lankford took time this week to speak with The Frontier about immigration, abortion, the McGirt decision and the state of “Trump-ism” in the Republican Party.
Brianna Bailey February 20, 2023
After staffing shortages and deaths, Brandi Garner says she’s making changes.
Dylan Goforth February 6, 2023
Gentner Drummond vows to be more ‘engaged’ than his predecessor. He’s already taken control of a series of investigations involving allegations of corruption and misuse of public funds.
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