On Nov. 1 we announced that we had been accepted into an end-of-year donation matching program called NewsMatch. The parameters were simple — if we could raise $25,000 on our own through the last two months of 2018, NewsMatch would write us a check for $25,000.

We’re pleased to announce that thanks to your help, we hit the $25,000 mark.

That’s meaningful in a number of ways, the most obvious of which is that quite simply it helps us keep the lights on so we can keep producing the same journalism you’ve come to expect.

But just as importantly, your commitment to The Frontier shows other potential donors that we’re worth funding, a not-insignificant thing for a small outlet heading into its third full year as a non-profit.

So what happens now, you ask? The donation match was great, but like all journalists, we’re looking ahead. Our fundraising goal this year — like every year — is to continue to grow our donor base. That means that in addition to new donors, we need your continued support as we move through 2019 and to the years beyond.

Want to support our journalism in 2019? Here’s the link.

To all of our donors, thank you for believing in us and in the power of watchdog journalism.

The donors (Don’t see your name? Let us know.)
Melanie Swierski Abczynski
Kevin Adams
William Adams
Alex K Adwan
Anna America
Nancy Anderson
Todd Arlan
Rilla Askew
Cary Aspinwall
Allison Bailey
Alan Bates
Chris Beadle
Jennifer Bell
Jonathan Belzley
David Blatt
Jill Bleed
Katie Boudreau
Ziva Branstetter
Barbara Brehm
Denise Brewer
Clark Brewster
Scott Buhlinger
JJ Burnam
Ken Cadaret
Charles Campbell
Matt Carney
Bill Carr
Annie Chang
Lindsey Christopher
Julia Cleary
Mandy Clinton
Patrick Coates
Richard Cochran
Joe Corn
Thomas Costner
Jackson Crain
Wade Crawford
Tia Creamer
Sue Cross
Kyle Crutchfield
Angela Curtis
Robin Danell
Cole Daniel
Trish Davis
Henry Deaton
Lise DeShea
J. Scott Dickman
Doug Dodd
Frederic Dorwart
Sandra Dunning
Amy Elizabeth
Michael Esmond
Robert Fagnant
James Firth
Patrick Forringer
Sheryl Fortner
Drew France
Mary Francis
Millicent Fulton
Terry Gamel
Kathleen Gerety
Keith Goddard
janice Goetzinger
Dylan Goforth
Mike Goforth
Neil Golden
Qulia Goodman
Jason Goodnight
Cathy Goodwin
Alan Greenfield
Gloria Grim
Dennis Grote
Lynette Gunn
Gerald Gustafson
Debbie Hampton
Jay Harris
Jot Hartley
Scott Haus
Andrea Hennessee
May Kou Heu
Timothy Higgins
David Hillard
Frank Hinton
Gary Hodson
Anthony Hoehner
Brian Hosmer
Robert Howard
Ryan Howell
Thomas Howell
Peter Hoyt
Robert Hughes
Dale Ingram
David Jamieson
Jamie Jamieson
Corey Johnson
Mary Ellen Jones
Scott Keith
Bryan Kerr
Cheryl Key
Brandon King
AJ Kirkpatrick
Judy Kishner
Hannah Kloppenburg
Tim Landes
Becca Landsberry
Diane Langness
Melissa Larry
Elizabeth Larson
Doua Lee
Ed Lipe
Brittany Littleton
William Lonn
Jen Loren
Robert Lorton
The Macklanburg Foundation
Laura Maslowski
James Martin
Shawn Massett
Jami Mattox
Mary D McBride
Josh McCullock
Beau McElhattan
Nancy McNair
Marcia McPhail
Aaron McRee
Garland McWatters
Keith Merckx
Andrew Millspaugh
Debra Mital
Mary Moore
Pam Moore
Leigh Moss
Jane Newman
James Nicholson
CG Niebank
Thomas OCarroll
Stephen Olson
Greg Owens
Joseph Parker Jr
Bob Paxton
Ian Payne
Hank Pellegrini
Lane Pennington
Kevin Pickard
Melissa Piper
Scott Potter
Kelsie Prather
Jan Preslar
Amy Pyle
Johnnie Reaves
Keith Reed
Andy Richardson
Nancy Rink
Rachael Roach
Rusty Roberts
Becky Rollins
Laura Roxbury
Oleg Roytman
Hal Salisbury
Jo Sands
Stacy Schusterman
Rod Sherwin
Nicholas Singer
Richard Simpson
Dan Smith
Rachel Smith
Richard Snyder
Mike Sowell
Robert Soza
Tyler Sparks
Charles Spears
Phyllis Spears
Seth Stanton
David Stewart
Larry Stone
Robert Strattan
Rob Sullivan
Holly Sweet
Gayle Tapp
Andrew Tevington
Kayleigh Thesenvitz
Gary Thomas
John Travers
Barbara Davis VanHanken
Sam Walker
Brady Walker
Robert Walker
Deborah Warren
Kari White
Richard White
Fred Wightman
Cory Williams
Don Williams
Brian Winkeler
Shelli Wright
John Yeutter
Susan Young
Debra Zinke