With ‘all options’ available and the upcoming exit of its Superintendent, Tulsa awaits fate of its school system
Tulsa Superintendent Deborah Gist is expected to resign in hopes of avoiding a state takeover.
Dylan Goforth August 23, 2023
Tulsa Superintendent Deborah Gist is expected to resign in hopes of avoiding a state takeover.
Jillian Taylor and Ari Fife August 3, 2023
Two years after Oklahoma passed House Bill 1775, educators say a chilling effect has fallen over teaching complex issues involving race.
Garrett Yalch July 26, 2023
Tulsa Schools Chief calls the accreditation process “untransparent.” The State Board of Education voted to punish the district last year for violating a state law that limits discussions on race and gender in public schools.
Jillian Taylor July 12, 2023
The Frontier’s reporting found the state lacks an adequate number of school counselors and isn’t directing funding to help address the problem.
Jillian Taylor July 10, 2023
Counselors say they often juggle other duties like testing. The state hasn’t directed funding to help fix the problem.
Brianna Bailey July 7, 2023
At a Norman speaking engagement, an audience member pressed Oklahoma’s schools chief on how he thought schools should teach one of the nation’s worst incidents of racial violence without making students feel bad.
Clifton Adcock June 27, 2023
State Superintendent Ryan Walters, then the head of a school reform group, guided shadowy efforts to distribute pandemic funds, leading to millions in questionable spending.
Reese Gorman April 11, 2023
Walters, who had been serving as both Secretary of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction, was replaced by college professor Dr. Katherine Curry.
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