Fact check: An update on claims of Antifa and paid protesters from Chicago at the Oklahoma teacher walkout
Yes, there were protesters from Chicago at the state Capitol. There were people from an anti-racist group wearing bandanas too.
Brianna Bailey April 6, 2018
Yes, there were protesters from Chicago at the state Capitol. There were people from an anti-racist group wearing bandanas too.
Brianna Bailey April 5, 2018
Rumors ranging from striking construction workers to water shutoffs abound.
Brianna Bailey April 3, 2018
Some Oklahoma school districts elected to reopen Tuesday despite the ongoing teacher walkout. Others districts planning to reopen Tuesday were forced to cancel classes anyway due to overwhelming teacher absences
Brianna Bailey April 2, 2018
Wearing frowns and protest signs around their necks, thousands of teachers from across the state paid their state lawmakers a visit on Monday, sometimes waiting in long lines for just a few minutes of sometimes tense meetings.
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