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Author: Cary Aspinwall

During more than 15 years as a newspaper reporter, Cary has written about everything from reality TV stars to inmates on death row. She's twice been named Great Plains Writer of the Year and was recently honored as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in local reporting. Contact: cary@readfrontier.com or 918-928-5835.

Listen Frontier: The Next to Die

Oklahoma has the next inmate scheduled for execution in the U.S. On this week’s podcast, we talk about about why that’s important, plus a new reporting project we’re proud to be a part of.

Benjamin Cole and ‘the Bakersfield Prophecy’

Benjamin Cole believes that his role is to bring glory to the Lord’s name and now he thinks that the 2002 murder of his infant daughter was part of that prophecy, his attorneys say.
Attorneys representing the state and the warden of Cole’s prison argue he’s simply a devoutly religious man who is lucid enough to be aware of his upcoming execution date.

Focusing on the light

I’m too numb about the shootings and can’t manage at the moment to write anything insightful about mass shootings and the glaring mental health crisis in this country.
So let’s try three nice things instead.