The Frontier won first place in the digital media category at this year’s Oklahoma Press Association’s Better Newspaper Contest Awards.
“Readfrontier.org is a cut above the competition both in its content and visuals. Strong investigative and enterprise work is highlighted on the site,” a contest judge wrote.
Frontier Senior Staff Writer Clifton Adcock won first place in feature writing for a story he wrote with former KOSU Reporter Seth Bodine on Oklahoma’s medical marijuana industry. Adcock also took first place for education writing for his reporting on Oklahoma lawmakers’ further crackdown on school curriculum after the state’s ban on critical race theory.
Adcock, former Frontier Staff Writer Reese Gorman and Oklahoma Watch Reporter Jennifer Palmer won first place for in-depth reporting and second place for education writing for their stories on misspent federal funds intended to help schoolchildren during the pandemic and potential conflicts of interest with a nonprofit led by State Superintendent Ryan Walters when he served as Oklahoma Secretary of Education.
Frontier Executive Editor Dylan Goforth won third place in the education category for his reporting on the state school board’s decision to downgrade the Tulsa district’s accreditation status.
Former Frontier Staff Writer Kassie McClung and Managing Editor Brianna Bailey won third place in the news category for their story about women who face criminal charges for substance use during their pregnancies.
The Oklahoma Press Association presented the awards during its annual convention June 9-10 at The Grand Casino Hotel & Resort in Shawnee.