Donald Trump: two words that seem to throw everyone into a tizzy.
People either love him, or they hate him. Toss in a swirl of accusations, denials and so-called “fake news” about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the world seems ready to implode.
Or does it?
Earlier this week, Donald Trump Jr.released an email chain, reported first by the New York Times, in which he agreed to meet with a Russian attorney who could provide dirt on Hillary Clinton as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump.”
News of the e-mails set off yet another media firestorm, with critics of President Trump proclaiming that the e-mails provide the strongest proof yet of a coordinated effort by the Russian government and the Trump campaign to interfere in the outcome of the election.
Trump supporters – as well as the president himself – either downplayed the news or dismissed it altogether. Speaking in Paris on Thursday, the president said “most people would have taken that meeting.”
In a television interview, a counselor to the president, Kellyanne Conway, used words written on sheets of paper to make her point clear: “Collusion, no. Illusion, delusion, yes.”
And so it goes.
This got me wondering: What do Tulsans think about Donald Trump Jr.’s e-mails? Are they something Americans should be concerned with? Or is the story being blown out of proportion by the media?
My highly unscientific, definitely unrepresentative sampling of Tulsans from east, west, north and south Tulsa produced responses that surely reflect the sentiments of our divided country:
Question 1: Hell, yes.!
Question 2: Hell, yes!
And so it goes.
Enjoy the video, but remember this: For every person who agreed to give his or her opinion on the subject, a handful declined.
Some didn’t want to give their opinions on video. Others had no idea what the e-mail controversy was about.
One man, who spoke as he loaded groceries into his car, said he’d like to give his opinion but that his wife would kill him if he appeared on a video spouting his political beliefs.
And then there was the gentleman who, polite as could be, said he didn’t have e-mail service.
That may have been the most telling response of all.